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Mostrando postagens de dezembro, 2019

What I have always believed about certain important stuff

I was raised Baptist conservative. Our church was part of what was then called the Conservative Baptist Association of Michigan . Or the CBA for short. It later was part of what was called IFBAM or the Independent Fundamental Baptist Association of Michigan . These titles came with certain believed doctrines as part of their "Statements of Faith". Our church wanted it known that we stood for the Fundamentals of the Faith as once declared by the saints of old. Those fundamentals included: The inerrancy and authority of the Scriptures (Bible) over every aspect of life.  The six, literal 24 hour days of Creation.  The Three Omni's of God, His  omnipresence, everywhere present omniscience, all knowing   omnipotence. all powerful The person of Jesus Christ as God the Son The Virgin Birth of the Christ The Atoning act of Jesus on the cross The bodily resurrection of Christ Jesus eventual return The personality of the Holy Spirit, His gifts and work in ...

What is Salvation and Why do I Need it? (A Christmas day 2019 message)

I hear religious people talking about " salvation " and wonder what they mean. Being "saved" is a big topic in certain circles. In my circles for example.  So, what do I mean when I talk about being "saved" or "Salvation" with a capital "S". For the answer to this question I have to give a little background about who I am. I was born into a home where, going to church, a Baptist church, was a part of our weekly routine. It was what my mom and dad did at least two times a week. Three, if you count that we went twice on Sundays.  I grew up learning all the Bible stories in Sunday school and even at home as our family had what my dad called, "devotions". Devotions was a time each day where, after our evening meal, my dad would get out the Daily Bread and read the story and verse of the day. So you might say that I was brainwashed. You'd be correct with that statement. I knew no other "religious ideas" than those...

Jesus Apostolo?? Como assim?

Por isso, santos irmãos, que participais da vocação celestial, considerai atentamente o Apóstolo e Sumo Sacerdote da nossa confissão, Jesus, Hebreus 3:1. Estranho essa frase, "Apóstolo ... Jesus" Pensamos nos doze discípulos /Apóstolos. Sabemos que os apóstolos foram mandados com a autoridade do Mestre Jesus, para fazer milagres. Todavia não pensamos em Jesus como um Apóstolo. Por isso é importante parar e pensar nesta palavra para melhor entender o que o autor de Hebreus está dizendo. A palavra grega,   ἀπόστολο  (apóstolo)  é usada 80 vezes no Novo Testamento e a maioria das vezes é traduzida Apóstolo .  Oito vezes a palavra é traduzida como  mensageiro.  O sentido é,  alguém enviado como mensageiro ou agente, portador de uma comissão, representante, emissário.  Considerando estas designações é fácil de entender que Jesus era Apóstolo mesmo pois veio com todas destas qualidades. Ele era enviado de Deus como mensageiro do Reino...