I hear religious people talking about "salvation" and wonder what they mean. Being "saved" is a big topic in certain circles. In my circles for example. So, what do I mean when I talk about being "saved" or "Salvation" with a capital "S".
For the answer to this question I have to give a little background about who I am. I was born into a home where, going to church, a Baptist church, was a part of our weekly routine. It was what my mom and dad did at least two times a week. Three, if you count that we went twice on Sundays.
I grew up learning all the Bible stories in Sunday school and even at home as our family had what my dad called, "devotions". Devotions was a time each day where, after our evening meal, my dad would get out the Daily Bread and read the story and verse of the day. So you might say that I was brainwashed. You'd be correct with that statement. I knew no other "religious ideas" than those expounded in our little Baptist church. And I was fine with that.
As a sixty six year old man I can say, with total confidence and life experience, that my parents did the right thing in "making us go" to church. It was there that I learned what I know about the "Salvation" thing. And, the words "making us go" are in quotes because what they did was exactly that, but it didn't seem like a bad thing.
As it turns out, salvation is something that everyone needs. It is being saved from something that we all inherited when we were born, a sin nature. "Whoa ... a WHAT?"
Sin is everything that makes God sad. And, yes I believe in God. The God explained in the Bible. Sin is what we see in most newscasts these days. You know, the "bad news" that we can't seem to get enough of. Or at least that is what the networks think. If you are like me, you do most of your news reading online. Where I can pick and choose my bad-news source.
The world's problems stem from our sin nature that makes us think and do bad stuff. When you lie, its sin. You lie. I know you do. When you look at stuff you shouldn't, its sin. When you curse and swear, its sin. When you cheat, steal and kill, its sin. What? You've never killed anyone? Are you sure about that? The Bible says that when we hate someone, we have murdered them in our thoughts. So, you've killed someone. Remember your fifth grade teacher? Yeah, her.
So, there you have it. THAT is what you need to be "saved" from, sin. Just in case you didn't know, the Bible teaches that sin brings death. In fact, I am watching this series about DNA hacking and the goal of this fringe group is to prolong life indefinitely. They want to see disease eliminated and a virtual eternal life scenario realized. It sounds great except for the fact that men are sinners and there is only one cure for that ailment and the ensuing death. The cure is, you guessed it, salvation.
So, returning to my initial subject, what is salvation and why do I need it? To answer this question I have to mention one important aspect about sin. Sin is an expensive thing. In order to pay for DNA meds people are paying in the multi-thousands of dollars. Sin's cure is even more expensive. It is funded by the astronomical Eternity in Hell payment plan. You heard me right. Eternity in Hell. WHY? You might scream.
To pay for something you have to have the proper currency. Hear in Brazil we use the REAL. If you have Dollars, you can't buy stuff. I even tried to give a street beggar a U.S. coin one day and he threw it back in my face and screamed ITS FALSE!!! Oops. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes. Hell's currency.
To pay for an exit from Hell you only need a perfect life. "Hey! No one is perfect!" I can hear you say. You are correct. There is no one perfect and thus no one can pay their way out of Hell.
Why is there a Hell? That's not fair! What a mean God! I don't think that I deserve to go to Hell! Hitler yes, me NO! Yeah yeah. These are common complaints and maybe blog posts for future days. The truth is that you and I are sinners and we've already reserved our spot in Hell. So, where's the good news in this dismal story?
Since this IS Christmas day, I guess that I can share a bit of Happy news with you. When I think of Christmas I think of presents. I know I know, I need to think of the real Reason for the Season. But I think of presents. Well here is the good news about Salvation and Presents. When Jesus was born, whatever month it was, He came with a purpose. He stated it later in his life with these words recorded in Luke 19:10, For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Here, the "Son of Man" is a nickname that Jesus often used for himself.
Did you see that Salvation thing in Jesus' words? He came to search for the lost ones and save them. By "lost" he meant, sinners who are lost in the impossible Hell payment plan. I agreed with you about the, "No one is perfect" comment but in reality Jesus was perfect. He lived a sinless life and He didn't inherit that sin nature, that normal people have, because he was born of a virgin and had no earthly father. The earthly father was a key ingredient in the sin question because, as I already mentioned, we inherited our sin from our first father Adam. Who, I also learned in Sunday school, was an actual historical figure.
So, let's talk turkey. If everybody is lost. And lost means that you're headed to Hell in a hand cart, as my mother used to say, AND there is a way out of that one way ticket to perpetual torture. Who in their RIGHT mind would not accept a way out of that mess?
There is the dilemma. Years ago a friend named Bob said to me, "WHY would a just God send anyone to Hell?" I told him that God doesn't send people to hell, they just go there because they don't want to accept the only way NOT to go there. Jesus Christ. Bob said to me, "That is not fair!" I said, "Sure it is! Just accept Jesus as your Savior and you won't go to Hell!" Bob said, "I don't want to!" See what I mean about Salvation?
You have to want to accept what Jesus did for you to be saved from Hell. If you do, you won't go there. If you don't you will.
What about the elect and predestination and the chosen and all of that? Focus on the message of this post for now and do something about it. Its important that you make a decision. Accept Jesus. Or if you already know Him, share this message with someone else. Ok? Ok!
Merry Christmas!
For the answer to this question I have to give a little background about who I am. I was born into a home where, going to church, a Baptist church, was a part of our weekly routine. It was what my mom and dad did at least two times a week. Three, if you count that we went twice on Sundays.
I grew up learning all the Bible stories in Sunday school and even at home as our family had what my dad called, "devotions". Devotions was a time each day where, after our evening meal, my dad would get out the Daily Bread and read the story and verse of the day. So you might say that I was brainwashed. You'd be correct with that statement. I knew no other "religious ideas" than those expounded in our little Baptist church. And I was fine with that.
As a sixty six year old man I can say, with total confidence and life experience, that my parents did the right thing in "making us go" to church. It was there that I learned what I know about the "Salvation" thing. And, the words "making us go" are in quotes because what they did was exactly that, but it didn't seem like a bad thing.
As it turns out, salvation is something that everyone needs. It is being saved from something that we all inherited when we were born, a sin nature. "Whoa ... a WHAT?"
Sin is everything that makes God sad. And, yes I believe in God. The God explained in the Bible. Sin is what we see in most newscasts these days. You know, the "bad news" that we can't seem to get enough of. Or at least that is what the networks think. If you are like me, you do most of your news reading online. Where I can pick and choose my bad-news source.
The world's problems stem from our sin nature that makes us think and do bad stuff. When you lie, its sin. You lie. I know you do. When you look at stuff you shouldn't, its sin. When you curse and swear, its sin. When you cheat, steal and kill, its sin. What? You've never killed anyone? Are you sure about that? The Bible says that when we hate someone, we have murdered them in our thoughts. So, you've killed someone. Remember your fifth grade teacher? Yeah, her.
So, there you have it. THAT is what you need to be "saved" from, sin. Just in case you didn't know, the Bible teaches that sin brings death. In fact, I am watching this series about DNA hacking and the goal of this fringe group is to prolong life indefinitely. They want to see disease eliminated and a virtual eternal life scenario realized. It sounds great except for the fact that men are sinners and there is only one cure for that ailment and the ensuing death. The cure is, you guessed it, salvation.
So, returning to my initial subject, what is salvation and why do I need it? To answer this question I have to mention one important aspect about sin. Sin is an expensive thing. In order to pay for DNA meds people are paying in the multi-thousands of dollars. Sin's cure is even more expensive. It is funded by the astronomical Eternity in Hell payment plan. You heard me right. Eternity in Hell. WHY? You might scream.
To pay for something you have to have the proper currency. Hear in Brazil we use the REAL. If you have Dollars, you can't buy stuff. I even tried to give a street beggar a U.S. coin one day and he threw it back in my face and screamed ITS FALSE!!! Oops. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes. Hell's currency.
To pay for an exit from Hell you only need a perfect life. "Hey! No one is perfect!" I can hear you say. You are correct. There is no one perfect and thus no one can pay their way out of Hell.
Why is there a Hell? That's not fair! What a mean God! I don't think that I deserve to go to Hell! Hitler yes, me NO! Yeah yeah. These are common complaints and maybe blog posts for future days. The truth is that you and I are sinners and we've already reserved our spot in Hell. So, where's the good news in this dismal story?
Since this IS Christmas day, I guess that I can share a bit of Happy news with you. When I think of Christmas I think of presents. I know I know, I need to think of the real Reason for the Season. But I think of presents. Well here is the good news about Salvation and Presents. When Jesus was born, whatever month it was, He came with a purpose. He stated it later in his life with these words recorded in Luke 19:10, For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Here, the "Son of Man" is a nickname that Jesus often used for himself.
Did you see that Salvation thing in Jesus' words? He came to search for the lost ones and save them. By "lost" he meant, sinners who are lost in the impossible Hell payment plan. I agreed with you about the, "No one is perfect" comment but in reality Jesus was perfect. He lived a sinless life and He didn't inherit that sin nature, that normal people have, because he was born of a virgin and had no earthly father. The earthly father was a key ingredient in the sin question because, as I already mentioned, we inherited our sin from our first father Adam. Who, I also learned in Sunday school, was an actual historical figure.
So, let's talk turkey. If everybody is lost. And lost means that you're headed to Hell in a hand cart, as my mother used to say, AND there is a way out of that one way ticket to perpetual torture. Who in their RIGHT mind would not accept a way out of that mess?
There is the dilemma. Years ago a friend named Bob said to me, "WHY would a just God send anyone to Hell?" I told him that God doesn't send people to hell, they just go there because they don't want to accept the only way NOT to go there. Jesus Christ. Bob said to me, "That is not fair!" I said, "Sure it is! Just accept Jesus as your Savior and you won't go to Hell!" Bob said, "I don't want to!" See what I mean about Salvation?
You have to want to accept what Jesus did for you to be saved from Hell. If you do, you won't go there. If you don't you will.
What about the elect and predestination and the chosen and all of that? Focus on the message of this post for now and do something about it. Its important that you make a decision. Accept Jesus. Or if you already know Him, share this message with someone else. Ok? Ok!
Merry Christmas!
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