Fellowship is two fellows in one ship. Well not really. These days we'd probably have to say two people in a flotation device. Or some such nonsense. But what makes Christian fellowship any different than a lodge meeting or an American Legion fish fry? Well, lots of things. We had this discussion in the teens Sunday school class this morning. I used the words communion as an acrostic for the kids to give their ideas about what fellowship is. The came up with these thoughts: Have the same heart Pray together Have the Same thoughts Deny one's self for another Have Humor Demonstrate Love Have a Willingness to listen Just to explain a linguistic thing. These ideas align with the letters for the português word "communion" (fellowship). I thought this an excellent list of qualities in the explanation of what we have in Christ. We'll be talking more about them next week. Are these a continuing part of your Christian fellow...
Devocionais escritos por Miguel Joia